Sermon Audio

Jesus is the focus of the story of all humanity, because Jesus answers the greatest need of all people.
We can be confident that in his good providence, our God will bring all his people safely home.
When God works in the world he sets apart people for ministry to make straight roads that point to Christ.
The exalted Lord Jesus builds his kingdom through his weak, needy, powerless people who pray.
What does it look like when the Lord's hand is with his people to build his kingdom?
We must look to our great God to keep us and not just those means he provides and protects us with.
The unity of the church of the Lord Jesus is seen in the humble authority of leaders and the harmony of belief and behaviour.
God has no favourites, he was always saving the nations of the world without distinction, in his anointed king, Jesus Christ.
The exalted Lord Jesus works in his people to bring glory to himself.
The exalted Christ calls Saul to suffer in taking the gospel of a suffering Saviour to the ends of the earth.
The gospel of Jesus Christ breaks down every barrier, to to draw all those who humbly accept him as Lord into God's family.
There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God…
Christians believe in the Living God who resurrects the dead. Christians believe in the Living God who is our resurrection hope.
Religion without Jesus Christ at the centre ignores all that the Old Testament pointed to.
God appoints servants of people in his church to ensure the servants of his word are not distracted.
God's Word spread unstoppably as God's people don't stop obeying God rather than man and don't fear suffering because Jesus is King.
As a snapshot of the harmonious community God will bring to perfection when the Lord Jesus returns, the church now evidences radical attitudes and judgment of sin.
In the face of opposition, God's kingdom is unstoppable through Spirit-given bold witness.
Our Christian gospel is that in Christ Jesus, God is building a whole new world.
The learning, loving, worshipping, witnessing church, the Lord Jesus Christ is building.