Those chosen by God are called to submission and suffering now as we await our future salvation at Christ's appearing. God has given his people, delegated shepherds go lead them…
Those God has chosen are called to innocent suffering, even as Christ suffered innocently. Christians are therefore not to be surprised, ashamed or distracted by suffering.
Those God has chosen are called to submit purposefully now, even as the Lord Jesus submitted to suffering.
The Church is a loving family of elect exiles that Christ redeemed, a spiritual temple made of living stones. As living stones, the Church is made of people who believe…
The Church is a family whose Father is Holy. Therefore we are a family who fear our Holy Father and are feed with imperishable food.
As elect exiles we have an inheritance which is certain, a sure purpose for suffering, and guaranteed a future hope. All because of our future salvation through Christ.
Christians are "in this World not of this World". Therefore they must know who they are and how they are to behave.