The tragic end of Israel's king Saul, should cause us to lament, and long for the King we need, whom God has given.
Living by faith in Christ is consistently viewing ourselves and out lives as part of God's epic story, with all our trials and joys as merely brief chapters, rather than…
God's unbreakable mercy to his people will not give up on us, but has provided us with the blameless king that we need.
There is no situation as desperate as when God will no longer hear our calls to him or when he will no longer speak to us. How can we be…
In our weariness, it is right that we desire rest, but there are pitfalls to seeking rest apart for God's provision.
God's kingdom is safe only in God's hands. So his people can expect merciful frustrations to keep them from trying to 'save' themselves, and need their eyes opened to what…
The promises the LORD makes to his people, come through resisting the temptation to short-cut the path of faithfulness the LORD calls us to walk.
The LORD is providentially in control over all things to show mercy to his people.
The LORD's people are to continually to seek his mercy and to constantly see his past mercies to them.